Lower Extremity Prosthetics
We provide postoperative rigid dressing and preparatory prosthesis for hips, feet, and toes, above and below the knee, and symes/below the ankle. A Lower Extremity Prosthetics refers to a prosthesis that replaces any part of the lower limb to restore the functional and/or cosmetic purpose of the lower limb. This may include artificial components that replace the hip, thigh, knee, ankle and foot.

What to Expect
We will begin your appointment with a thorough consultation by one of our certified and licensed prosthetics professionals to evaluate your situation.
After your evaluation, we will make a detailed list of the best options for the type of device you need. Then this information is sent to your doctor for approval.
As soon as we receive physician approval, we are ready to initiate the insurance process. Afterward, we will contact you to arrange an appointment with your prosthetics professional for fitting and to schedule delivery.
Lower Extremity Prosthetics We Offer
Immediate Post Operative Rigid Dressing
Immediate Post Operative Preparatory Prosthesis
Hip Disarticulation Prosthesis
Above the Knee Prosthesis
Below the Knee Prosthesis
Symes/Below the Ankle Prosthesis
Foot/Partial Foot/Toe Prosthesis
Frequently Asked Questions
What should i bring to the initial consultation?
- Completed new patient registration forms
- Physician’s prescription
- Driver’s licensed or state-issued identification
- Insurance card(s)
What will the licensed prosthetics professional evaluate during my initial consultation?
We will begin your appointment with a thorough consultation by one of our certified and licensed prosthetics professionals to evaluate your situation. During this evaluation, we typically review your medical history, obtain detailed information regarding your disability or injury, discuss your lifestyle and activities you like to do, conduct a clinical observation of gait (walking), perform muscle testing to find out what kind of muscular response you have to stimuli, check your balance, determine your proprioception or the awareness of your body, especially limbs in position to space, and review any other information to assess your probable success with a prosthetic device.
once my doctor approves the plan for my prosthetic device, what happens?
After your physician approves our findings, the administration part of your journey will begin. This may be a simple phone call to your insurance provider, or the process can take longer. Many insurance companies ask for more information and detailed medical records.
It typically takes between 7 to 10 days from your initial visit to get all the necessary information to your insurance provider. This time will vary depending on your physician and insurance company’s time frame, as well as the insurance company’s requirements. In most circumstances, approval takes 10-14 business days from the time your insurance company has all of the records they need. If your condition is complex, this time frame may be extended.
how do i pay for my prosthetic device?
In addition to most major credit cards and CareCredit, we also provide financial counseling and make payment options available to you. We do everything in our power to ensure medical costs don’t stand in the way of you receiving the prosthetic device you need.
how will you make sure my prosthetic device will fit properly?
Once the administrative process is completed, we will contact you to arrange an appointment with your prosthetics professional. At this appointment, we will take final measurements or casting so your prosthetic or orthotic device can be created. Depending on the complexity of the prosthetic device, multiple fitting appointments may be necessary prior to the final fitting and delivery of the device.
what if i have questions or need help after receiving my prosthetic device?
Even after your journey with us has been completed, we want to ensure you’re able to get the most from the prosthetic devices we provide. We are here to help you with resources and support to help you feel comfortable living with your prosthetics. If you have any questions or concerns regarding your device, you can contact us at any time.
what if i can't find transportation to my meeting with alltech?
We understand the hassle of arranging rides from friends and family, and we know first-hand how few options there are for public transportation in our area. To alleviate these issues, we are proud to introduce our mobile prosthetic services. If you can’t come to us, one of our mobile prosthetics vans can come to you.
why should i choose alltech prosthetics?
Alltech Prosthetics is a customer-centric prosthetics device company with expert licensed and certified clinical staff. They are dedicated to outstanding client service and conveniently offer mobile amputee services. Leveraging over 100 years of experience in upper and lower extremity prosthetics, Alltech provides superior design and development of prosthetic devices.

On The Go
Mobile Services
Our mobile prosthetic vans allow us to bring our entire office to your location. Our vehicles are equipped to provide evaluations, casting, prosthetic alignments, and prosthetic adjustments. Our vehicles are equipped to provide:
Prosthetic Alignments
Prosthetic Adjustments

Upper Extremity Prosthetics
Alltech Prosthetics provides shoulder disarticulation, above the elbow, below the elbow, and hand/partial hand/finger prosthesis. We provide the following products for upper extremity prosthetics:
Shoulder Disarticulation Prosthesis
Above the Elbow Prosthesis
Below the Elbow Prosthesis
Hand/Partial Hand/Finger Prosthesis

Lower Extremity Prosthetics
We provide postoperative rigid dressing and preparatory prosthesis for hips, feet, and toes, above and below the knee, and symes/below the ankle.